15 February 2012

International Chapter Toolkit: Tools for Mobilizing Volunteers

Tools for Mobilizing Volunteers


If you are like many Internet Society Chapter leaders, you are thinking about the best ways to mobilize your members into an effective team that can deliver successful programmes in your region or related to your mission. This toolkit, which draws on the voices of Chapter members who have organized successful events, was developed for the purpose of helping Chapter leaders harness the power of their membership to create and implement all types of Chapter activities, from presentations and events to public awareness campaigns to educational and networking opportunities.

If your Chapter is new, it can be especially useful to capitalize on the sense of excitement about how your team can make an impact. This enthusiasm is one of your most useful resources and should be harnessed as soon as possible.

If your Chapter is already established, continuously motivating members to action as volunteers will be a key to your success.

In this toolkit you will find:

  • Insights into what motivates members to volunteer
  • Advice from other Chapter leaders about what works for them
  • Strategies for persuading members to volunteer
  • Ways to use meetings, presentations, and activities to inspire volunteerism
  • Tools such as checklists, sample thank-you notes, and a sample member survey
  • volunteer.toolkit.cover thumbnail Download
  • volunteer.toolkit.cover thumbnail Download