Special Interest Groups and Standing Groups > Artificial Intelligence (AI) Special Interest Group
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Special Interest Group
Harnessing the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
As passionate and experienced teachers, our group educates people in artificial intelligence applications in
- Education Systems
- Robotics
- Software
- Businesses
- Research and Development
- Machine Language
- Natural Language Processing
- Technologies, and
- Healthcare
Our goal is to inform people around the world about how this technology improves our lives.
Our activities include:

Meet the Leadership Team
- Lead Facilitator: Adeel Nayyar
- Vice Facilitator: Tirivashe Mafuhure
- Secretary: Edmar Gurjão
- Board Members: Maricel Villalino-Calhoun, Getahun Wassie
Get Involved
Are you an Internet Society member interested in AI solutions? Do you want to develop skills to harness the best AI usages and practices? Join us and join the discussion.
Interested, but not an Internet Society member yet? Join today!
Image copyright:
© ©Frederic Courbet/Panos Pictures, © Unsplash, © Elyse Butler